Studies indicate that 80% of any potential cost savings value take place during the first 20% of the total project duration, or in the pre-construction phase. Traditionally, pre-construction involves performing preliminary planning and engineering in order to define the project, identify potential issues, and analyze cost impacts.

At Hoyt Hayes Construction, we deliver on our promises and identify cost effective building solutions that ensure project success. Our pre-construction services provide a comprehensive and informed plan that will eliminate surprises and save time and money. During this critical decision-making stage, the proper balance between quality, cost, and function is established and maintained. Knowing this, we work diligently to contribute our knowledge of construction processes, current costs and value based solutions that enhance the design process.

Here are just some our pre-construction services:

  • CAD Conceptual Design
  • Conceptual Estimation
  • Cost Estimates
  • Value Engineering
  • Master Site and Construction Planning
  • Existing Condition Assessments
  • LEED feasibility studies